MIDI Filter Pipe Simulator
Connect MIDI Device
Clear Logs
stdin (What example_filter.js receives):
stdout (What example_filter.js outputs):
Filter Script (same as example_filter.js):
function processEvent(ev_type, channel, data1, data2) { // Example filters: // 1. Transpose notes up one octave if (ev_type === 0x9 || ev_type === 0x8) { data1 += 12; } // 2. Remap channel 1 to channel 2 if (channel === 0) { channel = 1; } // 3. Scale velocity of note-on messages if (ev_type === 0x9) { data2 = Math.floor(data2 * 0.8); } return [ev_type, channel, data1, data2]; }
Update Filter